offers a graphical tool to have an overview of all planned or to-be planned Maintenance Tasks. This makes it possible to see the complete workload and planning of all resources for service and, more important, to use this graphical tool to plan Maintenance Task by just drag and drop tasks onto a resource.
A scheduling group is used within the scheduling overview to select resource groups and dependent resources. This will make it possible to define a resource group or groups of which the planning needs to be made visible in the scheduling overview.
Go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Set-up > Graphical planning > Scheduling groups
Click New to create a new scheduling group. Enter a Name and description and select a Planning Time zone. A time zone can be set for a scheduling group.
When resource groups are linked to a scheduling group it will be applicable for all users when selecting this group.
After creating scheduling groups, it is possible to attach resource groups or specific resources within this group to this scheduling group. This can be done using the tree selection in the scheduling overview.
Go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Task > Scheduling overview
Then go to Scheduling > Resources > Tree selection. Select the Scheduling group and select the resource group or groups and, when needed, deselect resources within these groups that you do not want to see.
Click OK. Now all resources that are linked to the selected resource groups are visible in the planning board.
Maintenance Management is integrated with resources in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . In the Human resource module there are a lot of options regarding setting up competencies and development for a worker which can be used in Maintenance Management . Skills, capabilities, certificates, etc. can be set for a worker which can be used when planning a Maintenance Task. Also, resource types, groups or even a specific resource can be set as a requirement for a Maintenance Task.
The system can automatically plan a Maintenance Task meeting this requirement or, when planning manually, the system will give a message informing that the resource is not having the correct requirements.
Requirements can be set on 2 levels in the system:
On Equipment: go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment > All equipment and find and select the correct equipment. Then go to Manage > Resource requirement to add a requirement for this equipment.
On Equipment type/Eventcode: go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Set-up > Equipment > Equipment type and find and select the correct Equipment type. Then go to event codes, select the correct Eventcode and go Resource requirements to add a requirement for this Equipment type/Eventcode.
When a Maintenance Task is created using this customer and/or this equipment and/or this Equipment type/Eventcode, it will set these requirements needed for this task. This is visible on the Maintenance Task itself Maintenance Task > Control > Planning). Here it is possible to add or remove requirements from the task when needed
Resource selection set-up is all about setting up a preferred worker. The resource selection set-up table is used to set-up a preferred worker for a Maintenance Task. By default, the system will use the worker linked to the user who is creating the task
Tab scheduling
In the scheduling tab you will find the following options under resources:
Resources & Groups, a specific resource or resource group can be selected here.
Tree selection: a specific schedule group can be selected
Requirement plans, shows the production orders in the scheduler.
Show resource names, name of the resource
Show resource type, e.g. human resource (engineer), machine
Limit tasks only the tasks by the set parameters are visible.
Include finished, tasks that are already finished are visible.
Header above the planning grid
Plan interval, interval on grid, depends on settings of the other parameters
Date field: Determined together with the other parameters on the right what is visible in the grid. E.g. date of today, in - + field 3 and day will show today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Below you can select on task, leave and absence and on reference
When the tasks option is selected, you see on the right the detailed information from the selected task in the grid.
Planning a maintenance task
Go to Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Tasks > Scheduling overview
First set up the selection in the Scheduling tab. Click edit to "open" the scheduling overview for editing. In the tab options, it is possible to open the scheduling overview in edit mode by default.
Then select a task in the job list in the lower part of the screen by clicking on it, only the applicable tasks for the period selected in the header are visible. Now click on and drag and drop the task into the planning board by holding the task selected. Now a horizontal black line appears in the planning grid with a planning date and time.
Move the black line to the correct resource, date and time and `drop` the Maintenance Task into the planning board by releasing the mouse button. Now the task is planned and will appear on the planning board.
The system will give a warning when the resource is not applicable on the selected date. If this is the case, there are 3 options:
Force scheduling: which means the task will be scheduled on this resource regardless of requirements.
Schedule on applicable: means that the system will find an applicable resource (for example a resource with the correct skills). This will plan the task to the most applicable resource on the same time and date that has been defined when dragging and dropping the task.
Cancel scheduling: will cancel the scheduling action completely; the task will not be planned or will stay planned on the resource on which it was originally planned when you want to re-plan the task.
Besides planning a Maintenance Task from the job list, it is also possible to re-plan the task that is already planned to another resource and/or another date and time. This is done by selecting the task in the planning board and dragging and dropping to another resource and/or date/time. The resource requirement is then also checked
It is possible to create multiple hour lines on a Maintenance Task, for example when a task needs to be performed by multiple resources. Via the Eventcode, one-hour line is set and with the new button it is possible to add more lines. When this task is planned it will show multiple task lines (blocks) in the scheduling overview. These tasks are linked to each other; when you change the date and time of one task block the other block will move also. For the task block that is selected, it is possible to drag and drop this to another resource, the other one will stay on the same resource. By holding the `Shift` button it is possible to drag and drop every hour task block independently.